Windows Web Server 2008 R2 buy online
It's quite old. We've got you covered with new options New options Windows Web Server 2008 R2 buy online now available to help you Purchase Autodesk AutoCAD Mechanical 2021 and adopt the innovative technologies you need to carry onlinne organization into the future. To continue this discussion, please ask a new question. Support for Windows Server has ended. I'm sure you Windkws correct. Selfstudy is an IT service provider. The idea that Windows is more expensive only applies to hardware with high core counts, normal SMB IT servers are not affected. Visit Microsoft Lifecycle Policy. Most major retailers still have R2 in stock. Upgrade Windows Sever on-premises or try Azure today! That's HALF the minimum. Reduce your infrastructure costs with free extended security updates, the Azure Hybrid Benefitand optimized infrastructure. I understand is by core. Three reasons to migrate your server applications to Azure now End of support for servers has passed. But, only for the first server I purchase. Seems like it would be wasteful to me. Embrace the tools in Azure to modernize your applications.