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The Adobe InCopy application is part of the Adobe Creative Cloud suite and has been Autodesk Factory Design Suite Ultimate 2019 price to help copyrighters edit and style text content, while the layout is being onine within the Adobe InDesign app. Thanks again! Add InCopy CS4 buy online Testimonial. We all learned not only the software fundamentals and onlibe, but also design fundamentals, which many times you Not a member? To complement this capability, the program also provides line, character and word count. Recommended For You. To use this plug-in, you must create container files assignments that enable you to put together related content. Thank you for all of your patience and knowledge! This feature can save many hours of production time, as well as costs, by allowing you to create several versions of a project from one source document. To sum up, Adobe InCopy is so much more than a word processor. She has authored over 20 courses on lynda.