Exchange Server 2017 Enterprise discount
In-person and online training for IT pros and end users. Microsoft Azure is automatically available when you are enrolling in any of the other three components, and it can also be licensed standalone. Software Assurance Exchange Server 2017 Enterprise discount included in the Enterprise Agreement and provides a comprehensive range of benefits to help you plan, deploy, and use the latest Microsoft technologies and services. For additional information about Exchange Server and the server and client licensing requirements, see the Guide to Exchange Server Editions and Licensing. Automatically access the latest software and technologies with Software Assurance. Read Infrastructure Design Suite Ultimate 2018 discount overview of Enterprise Agreement and get links to resources for additional information. Unlimited Problem Exchange Server 2017 Enterprise discount Support for qualifying customers. Benefits for Exchange Server 2017 Enterprise discount If Exchange Server 2017 Enterprise discount have Purchase Autodesk Infrastructure Design Suite Ultimate 2017 administration experience, you can use Exchange Server to Reduce costs by consolidating communications services Spend less time maintaining server settings Major Capabilities Simplified management: A unified, web-based management console simplifies on-premises, online, and hybrid Exchange deployments. Organisations must be willing and able to attest that they do not discriminate on any of these grounds in order to receive discounts. Best pricing and terms for server and cloud products, including discounts on new licenses and Software Assurance. Get the best pricing, discounts, and added benefits designed to support server and cloud technologies. Manage licensing throughout the life of your agreement with the help of a Microsoft Certified Partner or a Microsoft representative. To enroll, you must make an installed-base commitment to one or more of the following four Server and Cloud Enrollment components:. Enterprise Agreement True-up guide. Skip to main content. Minimize up-front costs and budget more effectively by locking in pricing and spreading payments over three years. Anti-discrimination policy: To be eligible to participate in this programme, organisations must attest to the following statement, which certifies compliance with the Microsoft corporate citizenship nonprofit giving antidiscrimination policy: My organisation does not have a policy or mission of discriminating in hiring, compensation, access to training or services, promotion, termination, or retirement based on race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, disability, gender identity or expression, marital status, pregnancy, sexual orientation, political affiliation, union membership, or veteran status. The Enterprise Agreement is designed for organizations that want to license software and cloud services for a minimum three-year period.