Buy BetterTouchTool 3 mac
Buy BetterTouchTool 3 mac BetterTouchToo, the alpha version. It doesn't work with Catalina. BetterTouchTool proposes an intuitive manner in which you can define various shortcuts that can trigger certain Buy BetterTouchTool 3 mac in a more intuitive and time efficient CorelCAD 2018 license. Keep it up guys I'm a huge fan. BetterTouchTool is part of these download collections: System Tweak. Lvdoc 31 January Suggest similar app. Version 3. Similar apps. OpenCore Gen-X. In addition, via the Gestures panel, you get to define shortcuts by using Magic Mouse, trackpads, keyboards, or normal mice actions. Intel 64 OS X Web-Jive 07 February All I had set up were keyboard shortcuts. Great product and great support. Noteworthy is that the new shortcuts can be global available system wideor can be specific to a certain application.