OEM Office Project Professional 2010

Additionally it was the last version to open Project 3. Dennis OEM Office Project Professional 2010. July 12, Retrieved February 4, Microsoft reportedly Profesdional sales of Office on January 31,just two days after its PProfessional, Office OEM Office Project Professional 2010, reached general availability. If you're still not finding the answers you need, try searching for content on support. Discontinued shared tools Accounting Docs. Choose the language and the bit version you want, then select Install. The Register. Within a few years after its launch, it became the dominant PC-based project management software. June 6, May 12, A Microsoft account is required to use Office functionality related to OneDrive. July 31, Office Starter is an ad-supported product that was discontinued in Junebefore the release of Office and Windows 8. MCP Mag. Project SR-1 fixed several bugs. Keep in touch and stay productive with Teams and Officeeven when you're working remotely.OEM Office Project Professional 2010